The graduation ceremony of the XXXIV graduating class of the La Moderna Educational Center took place on Wednesday, March 17, 2022 at the UEES Convention Center.

Several Baccalaureates enjoyed and posed with the usual suit and cap of graduates in their last school year, accompanied by their families, authorities and friends. Every 45 minutes and in different groups, students entered the auditorium where chairs had been placed keeping the respective distance between students and parents.

Nathaly, Best Baccalaureate of the XXXIV Promotion, received several awards representing her final average during her 7 years of schooling. Scholarships, badges and various gifts were awarded for her student perseverance.

Likewise, several universities in the country, according to the inter-institutional cooperation agreements that La Moderna maintains, were present with some scholarships for our graduates with outstanding averages.

Some families were awarded for their Institutional Loyalty in honor of their permanence at La Moderna from pre-school to third grade.

Distancing, disinfection, reduced capacity and mandatory use of masks were some of the parameters established in the incorporation that was carried out by bubbles and at different times under the permission of the COE of Samborondón, canton of the Province of Guayas.