Part of the Social Responsibility program of La Moderna is to work together in a comprehensive and supportive way, by sharing toys to underprivileged children in vulnerable schools near Samborondón, therefore our Educational Center delivered on Thursday, December 16th, a toy to each child in “Nazareth” and “Víctor Murillo”schools in Durán, and the school “10 de octubre” in Sabanilla village at Pedro Carbo.

Through this activity we create a collective conscience with a humanitarian vision so that everyone fully participates in the construction of equality and childhood role recognition, regardless of their social status, by building a more just and equitable sustainable development in which every child receives at least a smile at Christmas. 

En esta jornada social en Durán y Sabanilla, se recalcó junto a los demás estudiantes de las escuelas rurales, la importancia de compartir, amar, dar sin esperar nada a cambio y sobre todo, resaltar que el amor de Jesús está disponible para todo el que crea en él, recordando su nacimiento con humildad, reflejando su amor a los niños, como lo hicieron los pastores en el pesebre con Jesucristo. 

Also, it was emphasized that our program is a comprehensive study based on the practice of values such as respect, love, humility, solidarity, gratitude, forgiveness, equity, etcetera, that add value to the knowledge of each student and teacher when making decisions and taking an active role for a better cultural and humanitarian perspective in Ecuador.

Thanks to the support of each parent and the toys that were received by the coordination; to the effort of teachers and authorities, to the commitment of our scholar community, and to the schools that allowed us to dignify volunteering through the shared smiles.

"Social aid is a wonderful field when we learn to share the needs of others, while working for an egalitarian future".