Towards International Accreditation

A degree valid in the United States

More than 90 accredited schools

More than 40,000 affiliated educational institutions

More than 25 million students

What does it mean to be accredited?

It is a leading international organization in the evaluation of educational quality, which provides tools to foster a culture of continuous improvement in schools for a comprehensive educational experience.

Based on a set of rigorous standards, the accreditation process examines the entire institution from preschool through high school - its policies, programs, practices, learning conditions, and cultural context - to determine how well it is working to fulfill the vision of the institution and meet the needs of each student.

In addition, they support educational institutions with strategies, new ways of teaching and learning methods, and state-of-the-art standards to meet real-world needs and demands.


A degree valid in the United States

Nos encontramos en una constante transformación hacia la calidad educativa para preparar a nuestros estudiantes hacia un futuro brillante con el apoyo de un aliado internacional, una de las agencias líderes en la acreditación educativa a nivel mundial que ayudará a nuestros alumnos a obtener un título válido en Estados Unidos (High School) mientras estudian y se gradúan en la Moderna.

Esta acreditación no sólo valida la calidad de nuestra institución, sino también nos desafía a alcanzar niveles aún más altos de rendimiento académico. Mientras trabajamos en este proceso de acreditación, nuestro equipo diligentemente gestiona todos los recursos para demostrar los altos estándares de enseñanza, aprendizaje y gestión escolar. Nos sometemos a una evaluación integral que abarca todos los aspectos de nuestra institución, desde la calidad del plan de estudios hasta la eficacia de nuestras prácticas de liderazgo.

Through this process, we reinforce areas of strength and opportunity for continued growth with the ultimate goal of improving the educational experience we offer our students and their families.

We are proud to take this step in our educational journey and look forward to sharing the results of our accreditation soon.

How do LA MODERNA students benefit from studying at an internationally accredited school?

  • Promotes continuous improvement
    Our students will be able to receive a degree valid in the United States upon completion of their studies.
  • All students at the school benefit from the program without the need for additional costs.
  • Our teachers must meet high quality standards.
  • We have the possibility to participate exclusively in conferences and workshops.
  • And much more...

What are the benefits for the La Moderna community?

1 Increased recognition as an international school.

2 All of our high school graduates will be recognized as graduates of a school endorsed by the United States.

3 Easier admission to U.S. universities.

4 Access to the best and most innovative educational practices and methodologies in the world.

This international agency is a forward-thinking nonprofit organization focused on improving educational opportunities for all students; a global network of enthusiastic educators that accredits and accompanies institutions to educational excellence.

Its great commitment is to focus on the learning of each student and offer them:

Unmatched expertise to help you achieve visionary goals.

New insights to help you link student and school performance.

A global network of educators dedicated to your priorities.

Services and solutions backed by internationally valued research.r.

Accreditation and Certification.

Works with schools and systems of all types and sizes around the world to clearly assess the quality of your institution and help you meet the needs of every student.

This international agency is based on a set of rigorous standards and the accreditation process that they carry out in candidate schools examines the entire institution. In this sense, an international commission will review our policies, programs, practices, learning environments and cultural context, to determine compliance with 30 standards that measure whether our subjects and projects are updated with the most important information in the world in each field of knowledge; they will verify whether we transmit experiences and not only knowledge, to promote the integral development of students; they will validate whether we have qualified teachers with experience in new teaching methodologies; they will review whether the school has adequate facilities, tools and resources to exploit the potential of each student; and they will also analyze how much we promote social inclusion and how we positively impact the community.

At La Moderna we seek to be at the forefront of the challenges faced by each generation, so that we can provide the best opportunities according to the needs of the world, which are increasingly changing and complex. That is why we have focused on maintaining international academic quality, along with pedagogical innovations.

The international agency encourages the schools to continue to create an engaged and participatory community. La Moderna has always been a close-knit, family-oriented community, in which we all, according to our roles (as leaders, teachers, families, students and administrators) are part of the learning culture. That is why we share the key characteristics that contribute to the continuous improvement of an educational institution.

Advantages of international education in Ecuador:

  • Global Perspective
  • Interpersonal Skills Development
  • Languages
  • Access to Global Resources
  • International Career Preparation