
"He who does not live to serve, does not serve to live."

Mother Teresa of Calcuta

Catholic Formation Service that promotes the practical exercise of Christian virtues for the integral development of students under transcendental actions of faith that motivates the closeness of young people to God.

The pastoral team promotes a doctrine based on: 

  • God is the Father.
  • Jesus is the Savior.
  • And the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier.
  • The Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Mother Church.

Inscripción para la Preparación de Sacramentos

Se encuentra disponible el formulario de inscripción para los estudiantes que, por primera vez, iniciarán su preparación para los Sacramentos de Comunión y Confirmación.

Para consultas, pueden escribir a Se recomienda revisar cuidadosamente la información antes de enviarla.

📌 Nota: Este mensaje está dirigido únicamente a nuevas inscripciones. Si ya completaron el proceso, pueden omitirlo.»

Pastoral Services

  • Sacrament of Baptism
  • Sacrament of Communion
  • Sacrament of Confirmation
  • Special Blessings (vehicular,
    religious objects, etc)

Levels of Catechetical Preparation

  • Initiation (4th and 5th EGB - Primary)
  • First Level of Communion
  • Second Level of Communion
  • Biblical Year (8th Grade - Secondary)
  • First Level of Confirmation
  • Second Level of Confirmation

Pastoral Team

  • Jessy Vera Jaramillo
  • Jennifer Vergara Vaca
  • Karen Martínez Mateo
  • Chaplain Diego Bustamante


PBX.: 3725220 Ext. 122

Inauguration of the chapel "Our Lady of Fatima".

In this significant event, we were accompanied by the authorities of the institution and catechesis students together with their respected parents. A step towards spirituality and unity in our educational community.