Paula, Nicole and Ana Cristiana, high school students from La Moderna, will represent Ecuador in the virtual National Youth Science Camp 2022 (NYS Camp) as part of the selected countries that will attend worldwide in this program that will take place virtually from June 27 to July 20, 2022.

They gave a short testimonial of their experience talking a little more about what it means to be a social agent of change for student growth. Below is a brief summary in English about their upcoming participation:


Remember that NYS, is traditionally a residential science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) program designed to honor and challenge rising STEM leaders and provide opportunities for them to interact with STEM professionals and participate in exciting outdoor activities. It includes world-class lectures, directed studies and seminars with prestigious and promising STEM professionals who are making a difference in their fields of study and changing the world forever.

The camp also provides meaningful opportunities for delegates to interact and engage with STEM professionals, camp staff and other delegates in exciting, fun and meaningful ways. The high school students were very happy to have been given this opportunity to represent the country at one of the most important and outstanding camps in the region.