Mission and Vision

Our Philosophy

La Moderna is an entity of initial, basic, and high school education with 35 years of experience that provides a comprehensive bilingual education through its immersion system in English and Spanish, whose methodology is based on the intercultural worldview through processes of development of critical thinking based on critical, creative and constructive pedagogy.

We promote the practice of values and environmental awareness as cross-cutting axes at all levels and train our students as part of the world, promoting a global approach, we know our particularities but we offer a global perspective, on the pillar of respect for different thinking and to become human beings prepared for life and aware of the care of the planet.


Build the life project of each of its students through the development of the following three dimensions
personal, social, and academic, to form happy human beings capable of making those around them happy;
governed by the principles of physical and emotional security,
responsibility, and efficiency.


Moderna School is committed to permanently accompanying each child in the construction of his or her life projects,
providing support, encouragement, values, principles, manners, discipline, and in general contributing in all those aspects that constitute a foundation of life
from the moment he or she enters the school until theirs last day there.

Institutional Values

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Freedom
  • Equality
  • Solidarity

Institutional Services

  • Personal accident insurance
  • Extracurriculars
  • Pastoral
  • School transportation
  • Bar – dining room service
  • CCTV system and Guardianship for open areas.