This Saturday, December 4th, students of the Secondary School placed an ecological message in one of the main avenues of Villamil Playas with the objective of creating awareness in the local and tourist civilization.
Among the activities that were carried out together with the coordination of the National Recreation Area in Villamil Playas were: the placement of the poster, the contribution of personalized ecological garbage cans, conducting targeted surveys to find out what is happening in the coastal area; general perceptions of marine debris, what the local people know about the environment, what actions are being implemented, among other details that determine the level of social awareness.
A visit was also made to Marine Fauna Stabilization Center located at Km 10 in Data - Villamil, where students were able to be in contact with turtle shells, dolphin skeletons, among other species that come to the shores of the Ecuadorian coast and are cared by this section of the coastal sector of Data.
This project is part of the international program CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) that, through (Red Científicos de la basura) fulfills the necessary component for the fulfillment of the International Baccalaureate that involves children in environmental issues giving them the opportunity to become aware and make this a better world through the service they provide to the environment.