Early childhood education

Moderna Kids

An institutional space in which children acquire skills and abilities in a playful way in learning environments that from a systematic approach allows them to develop their potential in both English and Spanish.

Students are exposed to technology as a platform for learning English. Skills and abilities are reinforced according to age with flexible programs in a display of didactic material that invites the development of critical thinking in our young students. The combined environment of nature and comfort provides the satisfaction of provoking a subject-protagonist of their development and learning.

Our children participate every day in games that stimulate their learning. "They learn by playing" ("Learn by doing"), as we are 100% bilingual, this stimulation is given in English and Spanish.

Our students learn with joy (Psychomotricity room, tablets, critical thinking games) in an organized way (the annual plan) and with trained staff (professionals in kindergarten education, psychopedagogy and English teaching)

Integral Development

Pre-school education paves the way for our students' future success in the basic section. This is why our children will be immersed in many educational projects that will develop their potential without forgetting their needs for play and fun. It has an adequate program which seeks to develop in an integral way the students in their abilities and skills.

This education is intended to encourage a full development of their qualities and potentialities, creating opportunities for them to explore, analyze and compare, thus creating a creative thinking with the desire to learn more and more. We maintain a personalized education, so the number of students per classroom does not exceed 20, always led by a tutor.


Nursery or Initial I: 2 years

Pre-kindergarten or Sublevel I: 3 years old

Kindergarten or Sublevel II: 4 years old

1st year of Basic Education: 5 years

Development of the English program: 100%.

Please follow the steps of the admission process:

   1. 1. Start of the admission process.
       The application form is the main document of the admission process.
   2. Admission Application Form

   Basic Documents:

  • Original Birth Certificate (Student's only).
  • School Reports from the last two years of school.
  • Copy of ID card in color (Father, mother, representative and student).
  • 2 personal recommendations from parents or legal representatives.
  • Bank Certificate of the representative.
  • Labor certificate of the representative detailing: position, remuneration and work time (Business: Copy of the RUC).
  • Certificate of the fulfillment of obligations from the former school.
  • Copies of the bill for house basic utilities.
  • Those who apply to (I, II, III of Bachillerato) must attach a letter requesting a place, name of the applicant and reason for the change.
  • Vaccination Certificate (copy of vaccination book)
  • Updated Medical Certificate

Once you submit the required documentation, you may proceed to the next level by appointment:

Meeting and interview with school authorities
Skills tests (core subjects - psychological evaluation)
Student Counseling Interview

If necessary, the results of students in need of pedagogical and academic support will be reported in advance.
In case of obtaining a low score in academic tests, the Admissions Department will contact you to
arrange a new interview to finalize the admission process.

Finally, the representative must complete the enrollment process by signing the enrollment certificate.