La Moderna International Bilingual Educational Unit as part of its environmental education program works to strengthen a cleaner and healthier environment.

The high school students through an environmental project called "Garbage Scientists" are working to determine the impact of plastics and waste on Ecuadorian coastal beaches in conjunction with the planning program of the Secretariat of the Environment of Ecuador.

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, a group of young people from the second year of high school went to the parish of Chanduy in the province of Santa Elena together with some teachers to collect and classify different types of waste on the shores of the sea. Through this activity the young people and the teaching team try to identify the diversity of waste that is thrown on the sand. Among the actions carried out is to quantify the number of floating and non-floating plastics, among other elements, which intentionally or unintentionally cause great harm to the global ecosystem.

In this opportunity we had the support of the Scout group #12 of the parish of Chanduy.

This project is part of the international CAS program, which, through RECIBA fulfills the necessary component for the fulfillment of the International Baccalaureate; it involves the children in environmental issues giving them the opportunity to become aware and make this a better world through the service provided to the environment.