Center for the development of scientific knowledge where young people approach significant learning for the stimulation of cognitive and labor competencies of the middle level.
The BGU's objectives are to prepare our students: For life and participation in a democratic society for the world of work or entrepreneurship, and to continue their university studies.
In the Baccalaureate we have the structure of the BGU under the model of concentrations that allows the student to identify with knowledge for their professional construction, being these:
Attend the plenary session with Directors
• 8avo. E.B. a 1ero. Bachillerato Inglés, Matemáticas y Lenguaje.
• 2do. y 3ero. de Bachillerato Inglés, Matemáticas y Literatura.
Psychological test.
Once the applicant is approved by the Admission Commission, they must meet the following requirements for enrollment:
Interview with DCE staff
Delivery of results to the Admissions Department
Finally, the representative must complete the enrollment process by signing the enrollment certificate.
PBX: (04) 372 5220
Celular: 099 016 2715
Celular: 098 580 2370
Km 2,5 Vía a Samborondón.