On December 9, together with High School students, sponsored 418 children from the Víctor Murillo public schools in Durán canton and Sabanilla in the 10 de august parish, as part of the institution's annual social action program. Víctor Murillo del cantón Durán y Sabanilla de la parroquia 10 de agosto, como parte del programa de acción social anual de la institución.

Toys and baskets were delivered in order to contribute a little to low-income families, also a Christmas party was held with the participation of teachers of La Moderna dressed as various biblical characters such as Disney, this as part of the entertainment and Christmas shows that were given to children between 3 to 5 years of age.  

Parents and staff of La Moderna collaborated with the donations, thus instilling in the students the value of solidarity and giving without expecting anything in return.