Representatives of the Student Cultural Association (ACE) and Student Sports Association (ADE) were designated for the 2022-2023 school year.

As every school term, a student electoral campaign was held to elect the new representatives who will be the promoters of the new school projects during the current school year. This time, list 5 bested list 3 with the acceptance of more than 65% of the voters of the Educational Unit.

Within the team of representatives of the Student Sports Association (ADE) the awarded as President was Ms. Stephania Vásquez, and as Vice President, Jesús Montesdeoca, while in the Student Cultural Association (ACE) Ms. Allyson Mancero was appointed as President and Rolando Aguilar as Vice President.

During their election week, lists 3 and 5 carried out several activities to acquire votes from their peers, from political propaganda around the campus facilities to dance, theater and live music presentations at the election meeting, as well as the defense of their proposals in the debate of both lists.

Each of the lists worked hard to obtain their votes and came up with very interesting projects that demonstrated the quality of education provided inside the school’s classrooms.

The Unidad Educativa Bilingüe La Moderna congratulates both participating lists for their daily efforts. May the impetus and desire to serve always be their letter of introduction wherever they are.

Excellent management, list 5.